Hello.. Thank you for subscribing to my tribe…
I would love to get to know you better. If you would like a free 30 minutes “Relieve Anxiety Now” Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now. Schedule HERE & receive a “3rd Free Self-Care E-Book”!!
Your gifts are below with an amazing story
In our tribe, you will find hope and help for the emotional and physical pain that is created from being in toxic relationships, losing someone/something, or a long-term illness. You don’t have to suffer alone. It’s not your fault. These setbacks in life may create self-abuse and steal your mental and physical health if not worked through.
I help you gain CONFIDENCE if you struggled with some of these issues above. I have experienced what you are feeling right now. Feeling trapped, frustrated, and victim. You can break free from anxiety and how you feel about your life by CREATING HEALTHY BOUNDARIES and regain your SELF ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE.
Unlimited Confidence Coaching With Kathy For A Full Year
The 24/7 LASER CONFIDENCE COACHING PROGRAM offers 24/7 scheduled coaching online with recorded sessions for re-listening, action guides, and resources to help you practice powerful strategies to create a successful mindset and hone your professional and personal skills.
We meet by phone for 15 minutes (30 minutes for our first call), confirm your goal, identify the steps that will get you there, agree on homework to do before your next call, and then I send you a recording of our call, confirmation of your homework, and a link to sign up for your next session.
You can schedule your next session that same day! LEARN MORE and get another free book
Here is a simple story about what it means to be codependent and have anxiety or physical pain.
STORY: We know that Mary loves John because she worries about him so much. She anticipates his every wish, spares him every inconvenience, and binds his wounds before he even knows he’s hurt. Managing John’s life, in fact, is Mary’s full-time job. She works hard at it and she hasn’t got time for much else.
This story is an exact replica of what codependency looks like in behavior mode. Mary has no time to love herself or even think about what her needs are. This is causing anxiety. She is only fulfilled by what she does for John which keeps her worn out and in denial about the fact that she is enabling John and hurting herself.
Your story can change and you can feel better
You can stop anxiety and create a love for yourself if you have a PROVEN SYSTEM to help release regret, guilt, and shame, manage anxiety and depression, and support learning to achieve wholesome and healthy relationships.
You can click here to find my Facebook support group.
Click on the red package to get your FREE gift here. If you are interested in joining us our online
6-week healing focused support group go here to find out more. Thanks again.
Grab your FREE E-BOOKS BELOW: CLICK ON THE PRESENT to download “From Burnout to Restoring the Soul” setting clear boundaries 4 easy steps to relieve anxiety and stress by changing your thinking to create a life you love!
FREE E-BOOK 4 Keys To Stop Burnout and change limiting beliefs for Success
FREE Guide to Boundaries E-BOOK FOR abusive or codependent relationships
Download your FREE guide “From Burnout to Restoring the Soul” setting clear boundaries
Healthy boundaries prevent you from giving advice, blaming, or accepting blame.
This E-BOOK gives you steps for empowerment to detach emotionally & truly live your best life.
- In this book, you will learn how to be free from being connected to the emotions of others, ridicule, behaviors, and more…and become the person you were meant to be!
- Make sure you read all the way to the bottom of the E-BOOK where a helpful list of healthy and unhealthy boundaries is there for you to print out for quick reference.
Many women/men like you have felt alone, helpless, and lost but they discovered what they felt was not the truth. The truth about “who” you are is inside you and its amazing!! I can help you birth the courage and confidence needed to create a satisfied, productive & happy life.
- One woman did: She came to the group while living with a verbally abusive, toxic alcoholic husband. By the end of 12 weeks of participation, doing the work in our group, and working through her denial and realization of what she had been allowing she was able to live independently – she bought a home and helped her mother get a home as well.
Schedule a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session
Schedule a”Relieve Anxiety Now” Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now.
Meet with Kathy 30 minutes and receive a Free Self-Care E-Book!! This FREE E-BOOK has over 100 ways to love and take care of yourself and more…
I can help you move to your next step. During the 30 minute call, you will get clarity and direction on your next step for recovery from codependency and physical ailments.
How? Through getting familiar with the benefits of loving yourself and getting insight into who you truly are. This insight will help you go deeper into levels of self-love, and identity with more compassion for yourself.
Has a toxic relationship kept you suffering? Do you wish you could make different choices? Are you ready for a supportive and loving environment?
For more information on the online Co-Dependency Private Group click here