SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE INTO FREEDOMSOAR LIKE AN EAGLE INTO SELF-CONFIDENCE      Fly into your future with Confidence, and Courage!!  

Welcome to Kathy’s Confidence & Success Coaching

Move From Abuse, Anger and & Chaos to self-love, and personal boundaries.  Don’t wait!! Let’s talk!!

Start now with 3 easy steps;  How to get going>

  1. Have a session and address what you are struggling with right NOW

  2. On the call, we create custom strategies to address your personalized SOLUTIONS
  3. Execute the strategies we create and see immediate results!!

Schedule a FREE Coaching session & get Empowered for your current stressor” with a Breakthrough Strategy Session and get a FREE E-BOOK that has over 100 ways to care for & love yourself and more..

  What is holding you backYou can P.M. me here or

Online scheduling

In only 45 minutes we will:

  • Clarify your vision for “feel good” GOALS
  • Create key milestone objections
  • Develop a 3 stage action plan
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success
  • Leave the session with renewed energy & motivation 

You will leave with a new awareness of how to deal with your current life challenge and your A “next-step” action plan for whatever you are struggling with “right now”!! 

Come away Renewed, Energized, & Empowered 

              We WILL work together in real time on what matters to you “right now”

                          Kathy is an empowerment coach for those who struggle with co-dependency, guilt, & disappointment.  You can break free, create healthy boundaries, change your thinking, to regain confidence, empowerment, hope, and self-esteem in just one session.

Many individuals like you have felt alone, helpless and lost but they discovered that what they felt was not the truth. The truth about “who” you are is inside you and I can help you find the courage and confidence needed to become who you are meant to be. 

Here is the link to testimonials of how clients got results

Want to learn more about me and get coaching for personal development?

                                    Enter your name & email to the right and get


  • Weekly Newsletter with empowering TIPS and Tools to help for self-confidence & relationships!
  • FREE E-Book “The 4 Keys That Can Change Your Life!”. 4 easy steps to achieve purpose, passion & freedom by changing your thinking to create a new life vision.
  • This E-book is the first step to get free from toxic thinking to change your perspective. This book will give you 4 easy steps to help you change your thinking and see things as they truly are.
  • FREE Guide to Boundaries for life & toxic relationships. Healthy boundaries prevent you from giving advice, blaming or accepting blame. This E-BOOK gives you steps for empowerment to detach emotionally & truly live.

Find out more about our online GROUP BELOW

Confidence & Empowerment Support Group: Love the True You!

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Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC