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To receive your free 10 Tips On Silencing Your Bully and a free sample of the workshop via e-book. Get them here…


Unlimited Confidence Coaching With Kathy For A Full Year

The 24/7 LASER  CONFIDENCE COACHING PROGRAM offers 24/7 scheduled coaching online with recorded sessions for re-listening, action guides and resources to help you practice powerful strategies to create a success mindset and hone your professional and personal skills.

We meet by phone for 15 minutes (30 minutes for our first call), confirm your goal, identify the steps that will get you there, agree on homework to do before your next call, and then I send you a recording of our call, confirmation of your homework, and a link to sign up for your next session. You can schedule your next session that same day! LEARN MORE

You can also get my FREE E-Book “The 4 Keys That Can Change Your Life!”…And a FREE Guide to Boundaries in Relationships.   These e-books are steps for empowerment to detach emotionally from toxic people & truly live your best life.

About the FREE E-Book: “The 4 Keys That Can Change Your Life!”

Our brain can’t afford the luxury of a negative thought because negative emotions have a direct effect on our DNA and our DNA effects the world around us.

Exposing the negative hidden thoughts in your mind helps release regret, guilt, and shame, manage anxiety and depression and supports learning to achieve wholesome and healthy relationships.  

To get your free E-books just click  here and enter your email and they will come to you as a download

  • FREE E-Book “The 4 Keys That Can Change Your Life!”. 4 easy steps to achieve purpose, passion & freedom by changing your thinking to create a life you love!
  • THE FIRST STEP to get free from toxic & codependent relationships is to change your thinking. This book will give you 4 easy steps to help you change your thinking and see things as they truly are.
  • In a few minutes, you will receive an email from me. Please click the link in the email to confirm your subscription. Please go there right away to ensure you get your FREE GIFTS!!

Please add to your address book so my emails will be delivered. You may have to look in your SPAM or Promotions folders at first.

P.S.  Over the next few weeks, you will receive WEEKLY emails with “goodies”, articles & MORE..                        THE Bi-Monthly Newsletter will bring you:

  • TIPS, Tools & RESOURCES to help you get phenomenal results in codependent and toxic Relationships!
  • Feel supported and loved while you learn and grow in your confidence and self-love.  
  • Gain the empowerment to boldly step into your highest version of you

Please confirm your email right away and then you can come back to this email and go through the whitelist process to make sure you receive all the FREE RESOURCES!!


Here’s what you can do ASAP to be sure you never miss a single email.  

Be sure to whitelist  I work hard to never spam and only send what I believe will be most helpful.  Here are the steps to be sure you never miss a single email. 

How to Whitelist an Email Address with Gmail 

  1. Open the email
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow next to the “Reply” button
  3. Select “Add to Contacts List”
  4. Click on the “More” button above the email header
  5. Select “Filter messages like these”
  6. At the bottom of the search window, click “Create filter with this search”
  7. Check the box that says “Never send it to Spam”

How to Whitelist an Email Address with Outlook

  1. Open the email
  2. Right-click on the sender’s name, and click “Add to Outlook Contacts”
  3. Click “Save”
  4. On the Tools menu, click “Options”
  5. On the Preferences tab, under E-mail, click “Junk E-mail”
  6. Click the Safe Senders tab
  7. Select the “Also trust e-mail from my Contacts” checkbox

For other email providers, check out these whitelisting instructions.

One last thing: Gmail has a folder called promotions! If ends up there please do this:

How to Drag Emails into Gmail’s Primary Inbox

Next, a message will appear asking if you would like to do this for future messages from this sender. Select “Yes”.First, look for the email inside the Promotions tab. Then click, drag and drop it into the Primary tab

Thank you,

Warmly, Kathy   “I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”

Kathy’s Confidence & Success Coaching

©Kathy Di Giacomo

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC