Please take a few minutes to answer these questions so we can make incredible use of our time together and you can get the most out of our session. Please print out the questionnaire and email it back to me. Thanks!


Unlimited Confidence Coaching With Kathy For A Full Year

The 24/7 LASER  CONFIDENCE COACHING PROGRAM offers 24/7 scheduled coaching online with recorded sessions for re-listening, action guides and resources to help you practice powerful strategies to create a success mindset and hone your professional and personal skills.

We meet by phone for 15 minutes (30 minutes for our first call), confirm your goal, identify the steps that will get you there, agree on homework to do before your next call, and then I send you a recording of our call, confirmation of your homework, and a link to sign up for your next session. You can schedule your next session that same day! LEARN MORE

Warmly, Kathy   “I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”

Kathy’s Confidence & Success Coaching

Kathy Di Giacomo

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC