Showing 4 Result(s)

Testimony for Therapy

I am writing this to share with you a few of the wonderful benefits I have received from my opportunities to learn from and be mentored by Kathy Di Giacomo.  I have been struggling with issues of diet, anxiety and depression for a while now, especially since losing my father, and caring for my mom.  I cannot …


I’d heard a few friends talk about coaching and how it had helped them. When I tried it for myself, I was looking for a sounding board, and a sense of accountability. Coaching with Kathy gave me that plus a whole lot more. I gained great new ideas and some powerful feedback in my sessions. I found the coaching …

Michelle Smith

I approached life coaching with Action Life Coaching with a goal in mind and that was to gain some direction and get past the sense of confusion and the negative feelings I was experiencing in my life.  Through the coaching I have found a clear path and some real goals to work towards. In just over 2 …

James McMichael

Let me tell you, the experience with a life coach is incredible. My life is nothing as it was. I lived a life of sacrifice for so long and now I live a life of fun. My coach helped me see what it was I wanted and helped me to just go for it. My …

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC