Thank you for purchasing a Guide to Boundaries E-BOOK FOR abusive or codependent relationships click below.

NEW PROGRAM to help depression

Unlimited Confidence Coaching With Kathy For A Full Year

The 24/7 LASER  CONFIDENCE COACHING PROGRAM offers 24/7 scheduled coaching online with recorded sessions for re-listening, action guides and resources to help you practice powerful strategies to create a success mindset and hone your professional and personal skills.

We meet by phone for 15 minutes (30 minutes for our first call), confirm your goal, identify the steps that will get you there, agree on homework to do before your next call, and then I send you a recording of our call, confirmation of your homework, and a link to sign up for your next session. You can schedule your next session that same day!

Avoid anger, sadness, and depression

I empower successful minded motivated wounded women to recover from co-dependency & life setbacks, gain new confidence, and use self-care, boundaries, and changed thinking. We work together in individual and group coaching. The methods used to heal the inner child shift, women to recognize their value to create HEALTHY BOUNDARIES, better SELF ESTEEM, inner peace, love, and happiness.

Go here to download your guide to boundaries “Codependency Relationship Boundaries to Freedom”….

Healthy boundaries prevent you from giving advice, blaming, or accepting blame.

This E-BOOK gives you steps for empowerment to detach emotionally & truly live your best life.

In this book you will learn how to be free from others’ emotions, ridicule, behaviors, and more…and become the person you were meant to be!

    Make sure you read all the way to the bottom of the E-BOOK where a helpful list of healthy and unhealthy boundaries is there for you to print out for quick reference.

If you are interested in joining us in 6-week healing-focused support group where we go in-depth on boundaries, self-care, & confidence building online go here to find out more.

    • Thanks again. Many women like you have felt alone, helpless, and lost but they discovered what they felt was not the truth. The truth about “who” you are is inside you and together we can birth the courage and confidence needed to create a satisfied & happy life.
    •  One woman did: She came to the group while living with a verbally abusive, toxic alcoholic husband. By the end of 12 weeks of participation, doing the work in our group, and working through her denial and realization of what she had been allowing she was able to live independently – she bought a home and helped her mother get her home as well.  

If you would like a free 25-minute “build your faith and confidence” Breakthrough Strategy Session “or any current issue you are dealing with now.  Schedule FREE 

During the “build your faith and confidence now” session, you will

  • Clarify your vision for setting a new goal to believe.
  • Create milestone objectives for faith and confidence.
  •  Develop a three-stage action plan.
  • Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your beliefs.

Leave the session with a renewed energy and motivation to believe in anything you want.

Don’t wait!! Let’s talk!!  3 easy steps; How to get going:

1.   Let’s address what you are struggling with right NOW

2.   On the call, we create custom strategies to address your personalized SOLUTIONS

3.   Execute the strategies we create and see immediate results!!  Simple!

Website Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching

Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist 

  I am here to help…..

Author of “Boundaries to Freedom: How to set healthy boundaries”.

on Amazon   Check out my interview about my new book 

 I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”   

How Confidence Coaching Helps

  • Coaching men/women in groups or individually with recorded sessions to relisten to privately!

  • You can learn from the comfort of your home or anywhere.

  • Coaching develops empowerment by restoring and rebuilding your life.

  • Coaching increases the hope to create success for a better future.

  • Coaching helps YOU become confident and successful.                                                                        I have fought for freedom from negative thinking and feelings and have been healthy and free helping others gain success for 25 years.

PS: Are you a member of my group “Support for Women Entrepreneurs Experiencing Brain Fog and Anxiety”

I would love to get to know you better. I have an amazing FB community that I would love to have you be involved in. We encourage and help one another to progress in business and learn amazing skills that create new revenue for your business.

Join our #1 Fb community for a FREE “15 Activities Guide “How to Heal Your Mind and Body With Self-Care”

The Process

Online & Offline coaching classes, groups, & one on one for both adults and children including art and dance expression.

 Go See How the Program Works

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC