How is Anxiety Affecting Your Life?

When you are forced to stay home it can be frustrating. 

Did you know…  However, if you become proactive and get involved with helping others through preparing for the future, it can fulfill your mind and help you to think positively. Be proactive in this time by planning for the future and it will give you hope. Planning for the future stimulates chemicals and hormones to your brain to make you happier. This process will raise your immune system which will keep you from getting the virus.  

Why it matters… 

OK, so we have a situation— we’re stuck in the house, we can’t go out to work, we need something to do. How many of you would love to work from home? How many of you would like to get your product, service, or message to the world online?  This can help you bring in income that you may be losing by being home.  

Well, today I’m giving you three things that you can do while you’re at home. This will begin a process of promotion and bring in some extra income which will relieve some of the anxiety and boredom or fear that you may be experiencing. Remember there will be an end to this so you need to prepare and get proactive and keep moving while you’re at home.  

What to do…Get Your Business, Service or Message Online Now.

  1. If you just started in this process, you may want to start by figuring out what your niche market is or who you can serve and what they need.

 First: Do research>>Google what people are saying that they need that are the results to your product, service or message. Google keywords relevant to your product, service or message. When you find the people that need your product, service or message get their exact words that describe how they feel without the results you offer. Then search FB groups that are like your product, service or message for those words you found when you googled the problem online.

Go to Amazon and find books that are like your product, service or message and read the comments under the book. Find their exact words about how the book helped them and use those words to write your posts, blogs, advertising and promotions. This research helps you know how your ideal client is thinking and what they need.

  1. Buddy Service

So, whatever your product, service or message is you can find people on FB that have a similar product, service or message. Then trade products or services FREE as a gift to each other. Exchange referrals. You can do networking online inside groups: ask, what do you do?

  1. Promote your product, service or message:

Here are great places to promote or advertise your product or services with articles.

 When posting to these places do not put what year it is on your article. Benefits of these programs – Millions of people read them and once they are out there, they keep being read forever.

In these programs go to author resources. In your articles tell about your free gift and put in a link to the free gift.

Top 3 best sites:


Ideamarketers.com do a lot of articles on this one so they will bump you up


If you have any questions you can You can D.M. me here

P.S. It’s never been a better time to develop yourself than now. Women are doing INCREDIBLE things in our world, and you are too! Do you struggle with speaking up powerfully, trusting your own inner guidence and making the impact you know you could make?

Schedule a free 45 minutes  “Find Your Niche Now” Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now.   HERE         MY STORY

Here is what we will accomplish in the session:

 >>Create a crystal-clear vision for “ultimate success” so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.

  >>Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.

  >>Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek – once and for all.

   Are you ready to break free from unfulfilled dreams to new exciting possibilities?

    Kathy’s Confidence and Success Coaching & Seminars

 “I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”

 P.S.  I am committed to sharing with you the best of what I’ve learned for 30 years with confidence coaching and relieving anxiety with the arts.

            Most of all I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!

Hit reply or schedule above to let me know what your needs are and how I can help. And let’s connect on A Community for Confidence, Motivation, Extraordinary Growth and Vision

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC