How to breathe & nourish your body to create serenity & FREE 15 self-care guide

Here is Kathy working hard to help those who experience anxiety and depression
Hello from your Coach

Welcome to inspiration 💖 💖Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”

>>>  Limited time Free guide and quiz for you?

Thank you for being a loyal reader and taking the time to do these tips and strategies to help you feel better in your body. 

To my valuable subscribers, I’m giving away the first new component of our new revamp for Kathy’s personal development and business coaching services. (See the instructions below and download your copy now)💜This is just one of many free giveaways coming

Do you feel like life is just happening at too fast of a pace? Even when you slow down it moves too fast.

Focus on these statements for a minute and then let’s move into some relaxing and peaceful exercises to calm your body.

I will step back and disengage from the Hurley-busy-ness of life”.

My body is a vital gift, and I will treat it with respect, and take time to replenish my energies”.

“I will seek out what it means to truly nourish my body and I will take special care to eat healthy meals”.

Let’s focus today on breathing

Let’s focus today on breathing to take care of our bodies.

to take care of our bodies.

Here are some exercises that you can do to bring serenity and calmness to your day and your body.

Say out loud today “I relax and take time to replenish my energies”

  • To start this exercise, take time to breathe slowly and deeply in tune with your natural rhythms.
  • Relax your face muscles
  • Relax your muscles in your arms and legs
  • Relax your muscles in your neck and shoulders
  • Breathe slowly and evenly

Say this out loud: “I feel calm and at peace and I relax”.

This can be a new day of hope for you.

If you would like to find out more you can Schedule a 30-minute FREE coaching call with Kathy  

On the call we will address the 5 step Client Breakthrough System

  • 1 Clarify Their Vision
  • 2 Strategize your Actions
  • 3 Upgrade your Skills
  • 4 Optimize your Environment
  • 5 Master your Mind and Emotions

Is any of the above steps something you struggle with? I know how it feels and I have created many tools and guides to help you on your journey to wholeness

Are you anxious…and worried about how to deal with your negative thoughts? … what may be sabotaging your success?

I work with individuals who experience brain fog or anxiety and are worried about their future. They don’t know how to move forward in their life or business and they’re feeling overwhelmed.

I help you to reconnect with your unique self, manage and get relief from brain fog, anxiety, and low self-esteem so you can finally move out of feeling overwhelmed and into, serenity, joy, and peace to create the foundation for a growing 6 figure business online.

You may feel trapped by these negative emotions, or something else that is holding you back from being successful.

You may be struggling with limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks holding you in a pattern of defeat?

If so, let’s get on a call>>>>>>>>>>you can Schedule a 30-minute FREE coaching call with Kathy  

After the 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call you will get the “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide.

Discover what’s not working and how to fix it by taking the fun 4-minute new life-biz quiz and getting the results immediately. Get your “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide. Then schedule your call and we can identify where you need help

I have an exhilarating new program to bring you amazing results for what you are struggling with coming your way.

“FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind group. To learn more go here

I’m here for YOU!!

I pray YOU are LOVED & Empowered!

Much Love 💜 and Hugs 🤗, Kathy

Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”            

Author of “Boundaries to Freedom”, How to set healthy boundaries”.

on Amazon   Check out my interview about my new book 


Become uniquely you! 

PS: Are you a member of my group? You will find a warm supportive environment where I bring valuable pieces of training and confidence tools plus much more. Join our #1 Fb community for a FREE “15 Activities To Heal Your Mind and Body With Self-Care” guide

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC