Hello from my desk.....

Welcome to inspiration; 💖💖 

Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t – you are right – Henry Ford

Attitude shapes the quality of your life. If you perceive yourself as a failure, as a helpless victim you are only kidding yourselves with all this talk of change. If that attitude is not contested ~ then, truly, YOU are not capable of change. If, on the other hand, your attitude is positive a whole new set of realities emerges.

Empowered by a different self-perception you see that your lives are largely your own making, but the past does not have to rule you like a tyrant king, you are more able than you ever dreamed, and you are indeed capable of deciding a new way you will be and how you will live.

Here’s a little exercise to do so you can choose your quality of life each day. You can choose which attitude will shape the quality of your life 

Set out your imaginary glasses>one pair of glasses equals failure, ~ being a victim of negative thinking.

The other pair of glasses represents positivity and powerfulness.

Every morning when you get up envision yourself putting out your two pairs of glasses and 👀look at them each for what they represent.

Decide what pair you want to put on today? Decide what pair you want to put on today? As a reminder of what your attitude can be for that day.

You can choose; one pair of glasses represents failure ~ being a victim ~ or negative thinking

The other pair of glasses represents; positivity and powerfulness

This can be a new day for you!!!

Let’s move forward and get help to realize what you need and what your talents are so you can experience how to feel joy and hope and help others.

After the 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call you will get the “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide.

The 5 step Breakthrough System———————————

1 Clarify Their Vision

2 Strategize Actions

3 Upgrade Skills

4 Optimize Environment

5 Master Their Mind and Emotions

Are you anxious…because you don’t know how to deal with your negative thoughts? … how are they sabotaging your success?

We can help you go deeper if you like………..

I work with individuals who experience brain fog or anxiety and are worried about their future. They don’t know how to move forward in their life or business and they’re feeling overwhelmed.

I pray YOU are LOVED & Empowered!

I help you to reconnect with who you are, manage and get relief from brain fog, anxiety, shame, and low self-esteem so you can finally move out of feeling overwhelmed and move into, creating the foundation for a growing multiple-figure business online.

You may feel trapped by these negative emotions or something else that is holding you back from being successful.

As a result, you may be struggling with limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks holding you in a pattern of defeat.

If so, let’s get on a call

After the 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call you will get the “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide.

I also have an exhilarating new program in progress that can help you get faster results.

“FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind group. To learn more go here

I’m here for YOU!!

Much Love 💜 and Hugs 🤗, Kathy

Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”            

Author of “Boundaries to Freedom: How to set healthy boundaries”.

on Amazon   Check out my interview about my new book 

209-536-4296 www.kathydigiacomo.com   

Become uniquely you! 

🤗  PS: Are you a member of my group? You will find a warm supportive environment where I bring valuable pieces of training and confidence tools plus much more. Join our #1 Fb community for a FREE “15 Activities To Heal Your Mind and Body With Self-Care” guide

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC