How to express your needs and “not” use control to meet them

A little story about my life. I grew up in a home that created major anxiety and fear due to the chaos that went on daily. I didn’t know what I needed or how to get my needs met due to the chaos. Yes, it was an alcoholic home full of dysfunction.

I left home at 16 to get away from it.  But It’s all I knew growing up and even when I left home, I was not able to even recognize I had needs.

Even with the distractions happening in my childhood I had goals and dreams to become an entrepreneur and help others learn how to create a peaceful calm existence.

All I knew about getting any needs met was to control everything and everyone around me.

Eventually, I began to recover from all the chaos I left behind. When I discovered and used the right tools only then was I able to see what I needed and how to get my needs met in the right way.

 Imagine this………….

You notice the river flows and pulls and tugs at the water to bring it down the river. Just as the leaf in the river survives by going with the flow, you too can go with the flow of life

Getting your needs met is not about controlling everything and everyone around you to feel you are satisfied I getting your needs met.

You all have needs and you need to express them to people that you can trust and who care.

Another person cannot feel the emptiness that is inside you or make you feel complete.

Even if you may make your needs known others may not always respond the way you need them to.

Sometimes they can’t or they may not understand.

Even those who care about you can’t read your mind. But you can still try to make your needs known so you won’t be unnoticed and not get your needs met.

You may even meet some of your needs yourself

Affirmation: My needs will “not” go unnoticed today as I make them known or meet them myself.

If you struggle with knowing what you need or expressing yourself to get your needs met, I can help you.

I have an exhilarating new program going on now.

“FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind group. To learn more go here

Are you anxious…and worried about your futureclick here to discover what may be sabotaging your success? Go take this new life-biz quiz and get the result right away. Then on your call, I will help you identify where you need the most help and give you a free “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide to get started.

I work with individuals who experience brain fog or anxiety and are worried about their future. They don’t know how to move forward in their life or business and they’re feeling overwhelmed.

I help you to reconnect with who you are, manage and get relief from anxiety, and low self-esteem so you can finally move out of overwhelm and into, creating the foundation for a growing 6 figure business.

You may feel trapped by brain fog, anxiety, lack of self-confidence, or something else that is holding you back from being successful.

As a result, you may be struggling with limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks holding you in a pattern of defeat?

If so, let’s get on a call

After the 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call you will get the “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide and discover what’s not working and how to fix it by taking the

The guide is the foundation for overcoming mental health, addiction, and self-sabotage, as well as, providing the steps on how to create value for yourself and support your overall well-being.

It is exactly what I used in my journey of recovery from trauma and grief to joy and happiness. 

You’ll get the embodiment of everything I’ve learned about why lack of self-love can begin in childhood if we’re in an unlovable home environment.

My personal development journey to loving myself consisted of many experiential types of workshops, seminars, coaches, and retreats beyond traditional education. So, I can walk you through your journey knowing how you feel.

I’m here for YOU!!

I pray YOU are LOVED & Empowered!

Much Love 💜 and Hugs 🤗, Kathy

Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”            

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Description automatically generated with low confidenceAuthor of “Boundaries to Freedom: How to set healthy boundaries”.

on Amazon   Check out my interview about my new book 

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Become uniquely you! 

PS: Are you a member of my group? You will find a warm supportive environment where I bring valuable pieces of training and confidence tools plus much more. Join our #1 Fb community for a FREE “15 Activities To Heal Your Mind and Body With Self-Care” guide

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC