Are you struggling with too many projects? Get some creative solutions>>>

How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time have you ever heard of stacking?

Feeling overwhelmed? – you must break a big project into little stacks

Break BIG projects into Micro Mini Success stacks

You must get it out of your brain!

  1. The brain makes projects bigger – exaggerates them.
  2. Stacking is way easier to DO than think about it.
  3. Get the info out of your brain and onto paper – brain dump.
  4. Do one thing at a time.

DO a NEW Plan Every Day! You can fill in what fits for are below.

Morning Routine (Golden Hour) – Journal Template

  • 10 Min Prayer/Meditation 15 Min Read (grow mind & spirit)

  • 5 Min Affirmations (I AM statements) 10 Min Journal (Journal Template)

  • 5 Min Declarations 5 Min Visualization

  • 5 Min Write down 5 small “wins” 5 Min Organize (using below)

My 3 Words  
ONE number  

5-10 Topics (for blog, Fb live, videos, etc.)

You Must Do  20 Minute Stacks>>each item below you do for 20 minutes

E.g.  Brain Dump examples:

Taxes Blog Business
Gather bank statements Choose Topic/outline Pull up last weeks
Email Research Coach

Gather income, expenses


Rough draft Send replay & Notes


Taxes Final draft Blog Follow Up Prospects






Social Media

Take a few minutes a day and do this. This is a powerful step so make sure you do it.

If you would like to learn more or get a blank sheet to start organizing your own stacks for more productivity in your life and business “reply” to the comments or email me at

 Need help NOW? call me anytime at 209-277-2842

or you can schedule a free 30-minute session CLICK HERE  to CHANGE YOUR LIFE forever!!

Even one Strategy Session with a Success Coach can launch a breakthrough!

Much Love, Kathy

P.S. For more inspiration, tips, tools, and strategies be sure to also connect with Kathy’s Transformational Coaching and Seminars on Facebook

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC