Supports for Codependency, Pain, Depression & Peace of Mind

Help for emotional pain, anger, depression, and sadness

Do you realize how important coaching supports are? Pain, anger, and Depression can be a result of not having the support you need in relationships. We use various coaching supports to help others every single day. Coaching supports like Self-help books, online confidential support groups, individual coaching, and the list goes on and on, can help shift your thinking to new positive ways of thinking which will change your life. All the supports and strategies were invented to help make your lives easier.

Take the 12 steps; now I don’t know about you, but I can’t live without the 12 steps for life. Have you ever tried to manage a relationship argument that escalated and left you feeling frustrated, angry or sad? Yeah, I have and it is painful and sometimes causes emotional panic and anxiety. However, you also need to have the correct strategies before the argument occurs to get the job done. I won’t go into the various types of fights; I think you get my point.

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We all have a time when you thought life was over or you were not good enough. A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, dreams or dignity. Learning how to manage relationships that are toxic can change everything.

Supports and strategies with recovery were invented to help make your lives be easier. There are so many supports we can use in our daily (sometimes hourly) recovery to help us reach and maintain our peace and sanity. These supports do not work if they are not used. They are not like magic pills that you can pop into your mouth and life just sails smoothly along. No, they need to be used physically and mentally in order for them to work. You have to purposefully take them out of your supplies and apply them to whatever situation is happening.

For example, one of my favorite supports is journaling. I like to journal, or blog, to help me work through emotions that I am wrapped up in and are causing me stress. It’s great support for me but it will not help me if someone calls and asks if they can stay at my house for a few weeks. Sure, I can write all I want about the emotions/stress the call caused me but it does not handle the situation. I need to pull the tools out that will help guide me in making the decision (the right decision for me) of whether or not I am going to allow someone to stay in my house for a few weeks.

Some of the supports I use

The supports I often use are words, sayings/quotes, or acronyms. They help to remind me of what I am supposed to do, or not do, and they are easy to remember. Images are also good supports. They help me visualize the life I want and bring me peace.

A few of my favorite supports I use to stay away from emotional pain and depression are:

Boundaries – I set boundaries so that I do not allow others to use, mistreat, or take advantage of me. I also set boundaries so that I am not butting into someone else’s life. Their issues are theirs and I need to mind my own business unless I am asked for my opinion or advice. Setting boundaries are sometimes difficult but with continual practice, it has become easier.

Stay on my side of the street – This is basically a boundary that reminds me to mind my own business and not giving my advice/opinions unless asked. Repeating this to myself when I know someone is in distress has helped not only me keep my peace and sanity, but also allows the other person the opportunity to be responsible for their own life. It’s amazing to watch others learn and grow when we allow them the opportunity to do so.

Get off the dance floor – I love this saying. This reminds me not to engage in unhealthy behaviors, especially with someone who is unhealthy. I’ve learned over the years that I do not have to force my opinion on others and I do not have to allow others to force theirs on me. We may have differing opinions and that is okay. Learn to walk away and keep your peace and sanity.

Let my “no” be no – A simple reminder that it is okay to say no and I do not have to give an explanation. It is also a reminder that if I really don’t want to do something, I need to mean it when I say no and not to do things just because I don’t want to upset or disappoint someone.

This is just a list of four of my favorite supports but there are so many others. I make sure to pull the correct tools out of my supplies for each situation and use them so that I can remain healthy and happy. Do I get it wrong sometimes? Of course, I do! But then back to the supplies, I go. I treasure the supplies I have today and I love learning new ones!

What are some of your favorite recovery supports?  To get more free coaching join our FB support group page

 My website Kathy’s Confidence & Success Coaching

How I help

  • I coach men/women in groups or individually with recorded sessions to relisten to privately!  So, you can learn from the comfort of your home or anywhere).
  • I coach individuals to develop empowerment to transition into restoring & rebuilding their life after setbacks& increase hope to create success for a better future.
  • Online & Offline I teach/coach classes, groups, & one on one for both adults and children including art and dance expression. with a twenty-five years’ Experience in Natural Health, Life Training – Motivation, and Experience in mental, physical and spiritual counseling. Kathy has twenty-five years of teaching and research. B.A. Degree in Communication and Business. Master’s Degree in psychology. Here is the link to more about Kathy’s credentials



Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC