6 ways to love yourself to gain confidence, free guide with “15 self-care tips

 Are you sick and tired of living with no confidence?

Welcome to my blog

WARNING!!  Tough stuff…if you are willing to be brave and look in the mirror read further…….

My Story

I have lived a huge part of my life without confidence because I did not know who I was. As a result of not knowing who I was, I got through life relying on coping skills that made me feel guilty. When I began to work with a coach, she helped me discover the real me. The person I was meant to be when I was born. Due to abuse and dysfunction in my childhood, my personality was altered and the real me was not able to surface. The coping skills I used as a child followed me into adulthood. I didn’t know any other way to deal with my insecurities except to behave how I thought others wanted me to behave. So, when I didn’t behave as others wanted, I felt guilty.

Did you know… When you have a guilty conscience from behaving how you think others want you to behave it lowers your confidence.
  • Have you had a drop in your confidence lately?
  • Do you need to get it back?
  • Think about what you’ve done in the past few weeks months.
  • What you’ve compromised about.
  • What you’ve been angry about.

Did you come up with something? ________________________________________

Did the thing that you came up with leave you compromising what you know was right to do at the time?

Or deep down inside have you been riddled with guilt or condemnation?

Why it matters…Confidence and condemnation don’t work well together.

Let’s continue to examine yourselves for the lack of confidence. Examining yourself to see if you are behaving the right way is tough without surrendering to another pair of eyes and ears.  Having a coach will give your confidence to examine how you are behaving and know what you are called to do.

What to do… If you would like to attend a class on this or learn more about Confidence & Empowerment attainable for you…Learn more here 

During the “how to grow confidence” free coaching session, you will:

  1.     Clarify your vision for setting a new behavior.
    2.   Create milestone objectives for love and confidence.
    3.   Develop a three-stage action plan.
    4.   Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your confidence.

Leave the session with renewed confidence, motivation, and results. 

If this newsletter helped you, please reply and let me know. If you would like a free 45 minutes Breakthrough Strategy coaching session to “build your confidence” “or any current issue you are dealing with now. 

  Get your free guide with “50 self-care tips to love yourself” with your FREE COACHING SESSION

Schedule FREE  You will come away feeling:

  • Renewed
  •  Energized
  •  Empowered
  •  Courageous

We can work together to learn focused motivation, courage, monitoring your thinking, shifting paradigms, boundaries, self-love, and more…to change your life from mediocrity and lack of vision to a confident exciting, new future. 

To get more support go to my FB group page https://www.facebook.com/transform4lovecoach   

My website Kathy’s DiGiacomo Coaching  Personal Development and Business Strategist

 As a Confidence Coach, and over 30 years of personal experiences & growth through difficult seasons of life. Over 15 years in coaching others using the arts, relationship support & recovery from codependency. I have 7 years’ experience as a psychotherapist  helping them change how to see life differently. Online & Offline I teach classes for both adults and children including art and dance expression.

I help professional coaches, therapists, and healers feel human again after having been burnt-out, living with anxiety or trauma and pushed beyond their limits. I help them get back in charge of their life and build their confidence so they can finally do what they love.

I coach in groups empowering individuals in transition from setbacks to hope and help them rebuild their lives.  (and I do it online!  So you can enjoy from the comfort of your home or anywhere).   More coaching help on my blog here

Here is the link to testimonials of how clients got results 

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC