Imagine>>You are on a beautiful beach and have peace in your mind. You are allowing the waves to cover your feet and it feels so refreshing. You are enjoying a beautiful moment.
Today we will talk about how YOU ACTUALLY CAN CHOOSE whether to fear or have a beautiful day!!
Fear and misinformation are running ramped in the world.
Did you know… That most of what you see and hear right now will cause you to be negative and feel like a victim? It all depends on the lens you are looking through.
You can change that. Here is how: you can put on one pair of glasses in the morning that represents failure – victim – negative attitude or you can put on a different pair of glasses that represent positivity – powerfulness – joy? Which glasses will you wear today?
Do this exercise; In the evening set out two pairs of glasses to choose from to put on in the morning, (one pair that you can see well with; second pair that you can’t see well with)
Try this…In the morning, when you get up, look at the glasses and pick one pair to put on; if you can’t see well with those take them off & put on the other pair, let it remind you to put on the best attitude which represents positive – powerful – joyful attitudes for that day. Your vision will be clearer, and your life will change.
Why it Matters…Your attitude shapes the quality of your life. If you perceive yourself as a helpless victim because of the misconceived fear you are only kidding yourself if that attitude is not contested – then, truly, you are not capable of change.
That’s a scary thought don’t you think? Do you want to change? I think we all do deep down.
On the other hand, if your attitude is positive then a whole new set of realities emerge empowered by different self-perceptions like these:
- You See That Your Life Is of Your Own Making
- That your Past Does Not Have to Rule You Like A Tyrant King
- You Are More Able Than You Ever Dreamed
- You Are Indeed Capable of Deciding to think differently and Know Who You Will Be and How You Will Live.
Our attitude toward those realities is what makes the difference. People in general, are limited by attitude, not by opportunity.
When one-person sees it to be a miserable rainy day to another it is a marvelous opportunity to sell umbrellas?
Do you desire to create a better quality of life?
I am offering an amazing special for only those on my email list. It’s called the 24/7 Laser Confidence Coaching Program. You can read more here How would you like Unlimited Confidence Coaching For A Full Year to keep you thinking in a positive mindset. Negative thinking can cause illness, fear, lack of gratitude, and more…
Holy Cow! Yes, you read that right 🙂
- Imagine>>Having the ability to set clear boundaries confidently and lovingly and have people respect you.
- Imagine>>Getting your message across and having your voice heard.
- Imagine>>Having a day where you have calmness and peace in your head and enjoy the moment.
If your life doesn’t look like that YOU are not alone ..I am here to help …..I care about you
My coaching clients increase their sense of calmness and peace and healing while learning to live a new life they love.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, grieved, and stressed? Consideration & understanding are the keys to growth. Let me help you with techniques and strategies ideally suited to help you overcome your negative thinking and limiting beliefs and build a healthy and positive self-image.
Do you desire to CHANGE YOUR LIFE forever?? Then…….
The 24/7 Laser Confidence Coaching Program is for you. Click here to Read more!
In your first 30 minutes, you will get clarity on negative thinking and limiting beliefs and build a healthy and positive self-image. You will leave with your next steps to manifest your goals and ideas quickly and see if coaching is right for you.
If you need more answers give me a call me anytime 209-277-2842
Become a new you! Get on a revolutionary journey to thrive. Don’t you deserve your best life?
Life is too short to settle for less. You are designed for more….
If you have any questions you can D.M. me here
P.S. It’s never been a better time to develop yourself than now. Men/Women are doing INCREDIBLE things online, and you can too!
Do you struggle with speaking up powerfully, trusting your own inner guidance, and making the impact you know you could make by helping others?
Schedule a free 45 minutes “Release intimidation and fear Now” Get your Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now. HERE
Here is what we will accomplish on the call:
>>Create a crystal-clear vision for “ultimate success” so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.
>>Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.
>>Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek – once and for all.
Until we meet again, pray this: God keep me safe and protected where I am.
Kathy’s Confidence and Success Coaching & Seminars
“I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”
P.S. I am committed to sharing with you the best of what I’ve learned for 30 years with confidence coaching and relieving anxiety.
Most of all I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!
Hit reply or schedule above to let me know what your needs are and how I can help. And let’s connect on my Facebook group for more free coaching A Community for Confidence, Motivation, Extraordinary Growth and Vision