Are you stuck in sadness or grief? Grab a boogie board… Let the tears flow and see below what happens…it’s amazing!!

Have you ever been to the beach and had a boogie board? You were just waiting for that nice wave to peak so you could jump on it with your boogie board and ride it in?

The pain that comes to you from losses and grief is like that wave and we must grab it and ride that wave of grief or pain so we can heal. More about how to do this later.

I too have struggled with anxiety and grief. I remember the day my dad passed away. I was right in the middle of getting my bachelor’s degree. I remember thinking what’s my purpose is now, and can I get through this?. My dad’s passing affected me with much grief and anxiety. I remember thinking “what was my dad’s life for?” You see my dad was my abuser, but I loved him dearly. So, as a result, I experienced Extreme grief and mixed emotions. It took me 2 years to sort out those emotions. Since then in my journey as a psychotherapist, I have learned tools to help shorten the process.

 Did you know…Some people refuse to exhibit any kind of outward emotion? This is not healthy. Pent-up feelings are harmful and need to be released. If you do not release your emotions at appropriate times your emotions will eat away at you on the inside.

Stuffing or suppressing our feelings can also cause physical problems such as sleep troubles, digestive issues and more. Have you ever gone to the Dr. or know anybody who has gone to the doctor because they were convinced something was wrong with them? The doctor ran all kinds of tests and figured out It was just anxiety?

We hear that all the time, don’t we? Our emotions will manifest themselves somehow so it’s best for us to deal with them before they deal with us.

Why it matters…God created us with tear glands and the ability to cry, which means there will be times in life when we need to weep. Tears are part of the process of healing your soul. God wants you to bring your pain to him. He already knows our pain but getting it out is very helpful to our physical bodies and mental stability.

What to do…It’s important that we weep and let the grief out at the times when we are feeling sad. Here’s how it works: Each time sadness comes over us, “stop what you’re doing”, sit with it, wright about it, and acknowledge what you need to grieve about.

It’s like a wave on the beach, each time the wave comes, which is the pain of the sadness, as you would with a boogie board you need to grab the wave of pain and grieve it out.

If you do that thoroughly and repeatedly the next time sadness comes the pain will be less than the last one. And each time you grieve out each sadness or loss the pain lowers every time.

Then an amazing thing happens. There are chemicals and hormones that are released in your body that create healing.

Always remember that the season for sadness will come to an end, as you grieve these wounds of pain in your life properly the result will be mental and physical healing and great joy.

If you would like a free 45 minutes END ANXIETY NOW  Breakthrough Coaching Session”
or any current issue you are dealing with now.  


 During the END ANXIETY NOW” coaching session, you will:

  • Get a crystal-clear vision for managing anxiety.
  • Create milestone objectives for consistent relief.
  • Develop a three-stage action plan.
  • Uncover hidden challenges sabotaging you.
  •        Leave the session renewed, energized and inspired to live free of anxiety. 

 Don’t wait!! Let’s talk!!  3 easy steps;  

You don’t struggle with the above?

1.   Then let’s address what you are struggling with NOW!

2.   On the call, we will create customized approaches for you to address your personalized SOLUTIONS for your struggle.

3.   Implement the methods we create and see immediate results!!  Simple!

Kathy’s Confident Relationships Coaching was founded with you in mind. I believe in divine intervention. You are here for a reason. My mission is to help as many men and women as I can to discover who they are and accomplish great things. It’s not an accident you arrived here when you did.

Don’t let another sun-set on today without taking action to change your life. This could be you on the beach receiving coaching to build an extraordinary new life. 

As a psychotherapist, confidence and relationship coach, and a codependent expert. I bring a wide range of professional and life experiences to your coaching experience.

Marriage & Family Therapist Associate, MA, AMFT

I’ve written the book “Boundaries to Freedom” (on Amazon) and some smaller books on self-care and toxic thinking.

 You “can” become an effective communicator, gain freedom from worry, set new boundaries, feel greater well-being, and create an extraordinary new life.

Website Kathy’s Confidence and Success Coaching  

Click above & Download your 2 FREE life-changing short E-books RIGHT NOW! They expand on the topics in this newsletter to utilize more strategies.      


Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC