Important new tips on how to make decisions. and a FREE gift

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Need to make decisions for your life and you’re not sure how to do it? Do you need guidance and direction on an important decision?

Let peace be your guide.

Do you ever feel like you’re in a prison of hope? A prison because of isolation, and hope for the future when this is over?

Why it matters…In your everyday decisions let peace be your guide. Make goals for your life and sit with your goals. Then when you feel at peace about one of your goals and your decisions that you’re making for your future move forward with the planning.


What to do…Check in with your body and your mind. Use your FREE gift below to calm your body from the anxiety around not knowing what to choose for your decision.

 Ask yourself:

Does it feel peaceful?

Does it feel hopeful?

When you feel you’re being guided in an area of your life then sit with it… a moment and see if it feels peaceful.

If peace cannot hold its weight against the guidance you have heard, then don’t proceed with it. Don’t worry about explaining it to others. You may not even know yourself but all you know is you don’t have peace about it.

Sometimes you may need to wait and get quiet until peace fills your soul. That can be your confirmation that it is truly God leading you when the time is right.

Now to get your free gift you can download it here..” Deep breathing and the peace process

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You can go to my Facebook group where I teach you more about how to develop healthier coping skills. To learn new strategy’s to help you manage anxiety and the toxic people in your life. When you get there go to announcements to see the strategies. To get your FREE gift go to the group “A Community for Confidence, Motivation, Extraordinary Growth, and Vision” here and see the challenge I did. Join now to receive your FREE gift. 💜




Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC