Hello from my desk.....

What are your coping skills for stress and anxiety? Get new skills.

You may have felt “in control” of your life until the last year came around. It seems when uncontrollable events begin to happen in our world we try to cope using addictions that don’t help us.

  • You may turn to alcohol.
  • You may use antidepressants.
  • You may use food for comfort.
  • You may bury yourself in work.
  • You will stay in a relationship that is toxic.

Around and around, you go like a merry go round that soon you find out you can’t get off because you don’t have the power to do so.

That’s when you need to surrender to your own powerlessness. It’s not an easy thing to do but it’s a beginning that will help you let go and use healthier coping strategies to create growth in yourself.

You might say; what are the healthier coping skills?

I never thought you’d ask.

  • Mindfulness breathing
  • Guided imagery
  • Art projects
  • Self-care
  • Making goals for your future

Healthier coping skills are exactly what I help others practice…..

If you would like to have more weekly support….

You can go to my Facebook group where I teach you more about how to develop healthier coping skills.

                                         <<<<<<<<Then this is for you>>>>>>>>>>>>>

To get your FREE gift> join the group Support for Women Entrepreneurs Experiencing Brain Fog and Anxiety  and follow the challenge to learn how to deal with toxic people that cause anxiety. Join now to get all the clues for receiving your FREE gift.

See you in the group!!! Be sure to pick up your “15 SELF CARE tips guide” in the group files or in the unit’s section of the group.

Have you ever thought about being a coach or wanted to transform your current business into a fast-growing online business?

I am launching a FREE Masterclass! Confident Coach in One Hour 

Calling all practitioners to transition from offline to building a 6 figure online virtually business with more free time.

This Masterclass is for anyone who is interested in becoming a Coach or already is a practitioner helping others.

If you work in-person but are looking for an alternative to attain or grow your business and serve more clients, I’d love for you to join me!

Imagine…do work you love, in fewer hours, see more clients without burnout, work from the beach and have time to enjoy life.

Join the Free Masterclass – Confident Coach in One Hour for all practitioners.

In just 1-hour we’ll discuss:

  • How to win in the mind battle to be a successful online Coach
  • The simple fix to stop anxiety and fear from overwhelming you in the transition.
  • The one thing most practitioners fail to do when they transition to online and how not to let this kill your confidence.

Click here to register for the FREE Masterclass CONFIDENT COACH IN AN HOUR 

If you have any question about the Master Class or working with me, drop a note in the comment, PM me, or email me at: [email protected]m

         If this newsletter helped you, please reply and let me know. If you would like a free 30 minutes coaching session to “manage stress, anxiety”.  â€śor any current issue you are dealing with now. 

  I would love to chat with you!!

                                         Schedule FREE  

 During the “manage anxiety and stress” free coaching session, you will:

  1. Clarify your vision for setting a new behavior.
    2.   Create milestone objectives for anxiety and stress.
    3.   Develop a three-stage action plan.
    4.   Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your business.
  2. Leave the session with a plan, new tools, and renewed confidence, motivation, and results.

You will come away feeling:

  • Renewed
  •  Energized
  •  Empowered
  •  Courageous

We can work together to learn focused motivation, courage, monitoring your thinking, shifting paradigms, boundaries, self-love, and more…to change your life from mediocrity and lack of vision to a peaceful exciting, new future. 

     I’m a Confidence and Success Coach who works with in-person practitioners who feel they’ve lost touch with themselves, after reaching burn-out, living with anxiety, and pushed beyond their limits. I help them get back in charge of their life and build their business online so they can do what they love, work from anywhere and make more money. 

I coach in groups empowering individuals in transition from setbacks to hope and help them rebuild their lives. (and I do it online!)  So, you can enjoy being coached from the comfort of your home or anywhere). More coaching help on my blog here

Here is the link to testimonials of how clients got results 

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC