3 steps to release fear and have peace and confidence + free coaching

Are you struggling with fear and anxiety today?

Did you know… God shines through the shadow of your fears💖 Remember: fear is a reaction – courage is a decision. God’s perfect love makes you whole and casts out all fear.

Why it matters…Sometimes fear can be brought on from lack of confidence or self-love. The key to self-love is learning how to feel safe. Knowing who you are. Who you are in your head, what you think, and who you are in your heart or how you feel.  Where you live is in your head and in your heart. Be sure to feed your heart positive, uplifting, happy things. Be determined to decide to check in with your thoughts to see what you’re thinking about.

As far as what’s going on in the world, just know that it’s in God’s hands, and the world is doing its job.

What to do… 

There are 3 steps to release fear and have peace:

  1. Be thankful for what you have now. Write down five things you are thankful for today and make sure they are different than what you were thankful for yesterday or the day before. This produces serotonin to your brain, the happy hormone. One thing you can be thankful for is that love takes away fear.
  2. Submit the things that are making you fearful and ask God to take away any torment concerning them. Remove the thoughts from your mind that are troubling you. Journal them on paper to get them out of your head.

I will talk about love next.

  1. God ‘s perfect love makes you whole and casts out all fear. We are given power over being fearful. Love is a positive emotion; fear is a negative emotion. Love replaces the dreadful feeling of fear.

2nd Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind. Give your fear to God.

More ways to feel: Cherished, loved, peacefulness, and the absence of emotional or mental pain and heartache!

Together we can accomplish this with you. In coaching, we can use these 3 out of 5 steps to help you. See more ways we do this below.

  1. Clarify your direction for goals to make for the changes happen
  2. Strategize your actions: We would look at what you want, strategize your priorities to create a plan.

Do you think this would be valuable to you?

  1. Upgrade your skills for how to create confidence, hope and more …. “Would that be valuable to you?

Until we meet again, pray: God keep me safe and protected where I am.

If you have any questions you can You can D.M. me here

P.S. It’s never been a better time to develop yourself than now. Women are doing INCREDIBLE things in our world, and you can too! Do you struggle with speaking up powerfully, trusting your own inner guidance, and making the impact you know you could make?

Schedule a free 45 minutes  “Release fear and doubt Now” Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now.   HERE         MY STORY

Here is what we will accomplish in the session:

>>Create a crystal-clear vision for “ultimate success” so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.

>>Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.

>>Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek – once and for all.

  Kathy’s Confidence and Success Coaching & Seminars

“I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”

P.S.  I am committed to sharing with you the best of what I’ve learned for 30 years with confidence coaching and relieving anxiety with the arts.

Most of all I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!

Hit reply or schedule above to let me know what your needs are and how I can help. And let’s connect on A Community for Confidence, Motivation, Extraordinary Growth and Vision

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC