Have the winter months frozen your hopes and dreams? Has the cold of the winter caused an emotional ice age? Have you thought about joyous free play as you did as a child?

I can help you move toward spring in your heart and that feeling of childhood free play.

Today I’d like to talk about breaking free and moving forward in your life. Confusion, conflict or fear may have caused you to let your memories or feelings be frozen safely away.

Did you know… One fearful person came to a master of martial arts and asked if he would teach him security. The master looked at him and said:                                                                                                                                … We grow old because we stop playing

– I will teach you only with one condition: for one month you will have to live in a big city and tell every person that you meet on your way that you are fearful. You will have to say it loudly, openly and looking straight into the person’s eyes.

The person became sad because this task seemed very scary to him. For a couple of days, he was very sad and thoughtful, but to live with his fearfulness was so unbearable that he traveled to the city to accomplish his mission………

Now I’m not asking you to do something like this although it was probably very life-changing for the person. But notice the master sent the person out alone. When you’re working with a coach you’re not alone. Your hand is being held every week with empathy, care and concern to guide and direct you to get results for your ultimate goals.

      What to do… Here are 5 steps from fear to a inner security…………..

  1. Don’t give anything external the power to alter what is inside, your courage, your value, and your worth!
  2. Stay connected to others through your trials and challenges.

3. Trust your gut to guide you!

4. Learn to love everything that drives you to grow, evolve, and be great!

5. Don’t give away your power to negative people or situations!

These are just a few of the things we help you accomplish in one-on-one coaching.

You may be thinking “I’m afraid to look at these things. They seem very scary to me. Can I feel better about my life?”

The answer is “yes” you can. It’s available for you. And it’s actually not as scary as you think but very connecting and comforting. And you can try it for FREE BELOW.

Please reply and let me know if you would like to learn about other topics that would help you.

If you want to do more work in this area see below:

Kathy’s Confidence Coaching was founded with you in mind. I believe in divine intervention. You are here for a reason. My mission is to help as many men and women as I can to discover who they are and accomplish great things. It’s not an accident you arrived here when you did.

 NOTE: If this newsletter helped you please reply>> If you would like a free 45 minutes  “End fear now” Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now.    SCHEDULE HERE 

 Don’t wait!! Let’s talk!!  3 easy steps;

If you don’t struggle with the above topic?

  1. Then let’s address what you are struggling with NOW!
  2. During our phone call, we will learn about the struggle you face, and together envelope personalized SOLUTIONS that work for you.
  3. Implement the methods we create and see results!!  Simple!



Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC