How to stand up to fear to get confidence for tough times

Don’t fight a fear or just put up with it>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

What are the triggers that make you fearful?

Remember the last blog we talked a little bit about where the root of fear comes from. The root comes from what you experienced in the past. That may have been wrong behavior toward you or even abuse. The key to fighting fear is not to react in fear or lean away from the experience but lean into what created it in your past. Don’t let fear be a snare for you. But lean in and trust that it is FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL F.E.A.R. because of what you experienced in the past. Retracing your fears are some of the ways that I work with my clients who come to me wanting to be rid of fear.

We work through similar circumstances that happened in the past that have created a similarity to what’s happening now and causing fear. Standing up against fear will give you confidence. Stepping into the unknown of fear gives you experience. And experience gives you confidence.

The times that we live in today we need to be fearless and confident. Sometimes we can get caught up in the fear of the future. But we need to focus on what’s going on right now today in our lives and all the good things that we have right now shows us that if we trust the future, we will be taken care of.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present and well-proved help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains are shaken into the midst of the seas, though it’s waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling and tumult.

Do you desire to create a better quality of life?

I am offering an amazing special for only those on my email list. It’s called the 24/7 Laser Confidence Coaching Program. You can read more here How would you like Unlimited Confidence Coaching For A Full Year to keep you thinking in a positive mindset. Negative thinking can cause illness, fear, lack of gratitude, and more…

Holy Cow! Yes, you read that right 🙂

· Imagine>>Having the ability to set clear boundaries confidently and lovingly and have people respect you.

· Imagine>>Getting your message across and having your voice heard.

· Imagine>>Having a day where you have calmness and peace in your head and enjoy the moment.

If your life doesn’t look like that YOU are not alone ..I am here to help …..I care about you {$name}!!

My coaching clients increase their sense of calmness and peace and healing while learning to live a new life they love.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, depressed, grieved, and stressed? Consideration & understanding are the keys to growth. Let me help you with techniques and strategies ideally suited to help you overcome your negative thinking and limiting beliefs and build a healthy and positive self-image.

Do you desire to CHANGE YOUR LIFE forever?? Then…….

The 24/7 Laser Confidence Coaching Program is for you. Click here to read more!

In your first 30 minute call, you will get clarity on negative thinking and limiting beliefs and build a healthy and positive self-imageYou will leave with your next steps to manifest your goals and ideas quickly and see if coaching is right for you.

If you need more answers give me a call me anytime 209-277-2842

Become a new you! Get on a revolutionary journey to thrive. Don’t you deserve your best life?

Life is too short to settle for less. You are designed for more….

I am a confidence and success coach and I help those who experience anxiety, stress, and fear get relief and confidence 💜

Would you like to learn more about how to do this?

Experience for yourself the feeling of accomplishment with my free coaching call.

No pressure, just bring to the call what you would like to overcome or accomplish on your call.

Schedule a free 30 minutes “Release fear and get peace now” Breakthrough Coaching Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now.

Here is what we will accomplish in the session:

>>Create a crystal-clear vision for “ultimate success” so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.

>>Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.

>>Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek – once and for all.

Talk with you soon! With Love,

Warmly, Kathy “I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”

P.S. You know having support will increase your results tenfold. Today is your last chance to book your free 30-minute coaching call with me. After this, I am going to start charging for these sessions so click to book your free session now.

PSS: don’t forget if you would like me to address certain topics just reply

This can be anything to do with…

● Anxiety and how to manage it

● Fear, self-doubt

● Business Strategy

● Pricing your services

● Gaining Clarity in




Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC