Do you have anxiety because of conditioned thinking? Lets examine this…………….

Welcome to the newcomers!!

 Let’s talk about anxiety and a paradigm shift…..

Do you know what that is? Well, let’s talk about it today. A Paradigm shift is simply when 2 people look at a picture and each one sees something different.

It took a huge paradigm shift in my life to realize I was valuable and loved after I was abused for so long. My mind and my way of looking at who I was had been conditioned to think I was not valuable. It took years of being coached, shifting paradigms and therapy to help me to realize I was valuable. Not feeling valuable or caring for yourself creates anxiety.

Did you know…Think of a paradigm shift as many maps of explanations of the way to go somewhere. We can think one way is the right way to go however, we could end up lost or in the wrong place. We’ve all experienced and seen things a certain way all our lives. How we’ve perceived life is conditional on how we saw things as a child and our prior experiences. So as a result, we don’t truly view life as it may really be but on how our thinking has been conditioned or what we have experienced.

A paradigm shift can change. Unlike attitudes and behaviors that we see in ourselves. But all behaviors come out of how we are conditioned to see the world and ourselves.

Definition of Paradigm Shift> an important change that happens when our programmed way of thinking about something is replaced by a new and different way of thinking.

 Have you ever experienced a shift like this?

 Why it matters… Having someone come alongside you and challenge your thinking and bring you to paradigm shifts will allow you to see life from a whole new perspective by shifting your current view of thinking to a new level which will create new progress and less anxiety.

Henry David Thoreau said:

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and vision to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with the success unimagined in common hours.

Take that in for a moment, ${contact.fname}..…………………..There is also a saying; “people perish for the lack of vision”. 

If you don’t have paradigm shifts you may “not” be able to see what your dreams are or imagine them. Paradigm shifts can open the mind up to something we thought was impossible to see it as possible.

Lowering anxiety is the key to moving from one belief system to another.

  • As a confidence coach, applying my personal experience of my own changes, and over 15 years in the arts, therapy, and coaching brings a fresh new flavor of creativity that will help you find healing, joy, and restoration. Creativity and changed thinking in coaching can help you to move forward in your newly realized dreams. Working together and guiding you to a new journey designed for results will magnify the possibilities that you only dreamed were possible.
  •       Introducing my signature program – “Limitless Freedom Accelerator” for you to conquer anxiety, feel more love, acceptance, and empathy while shifting your perspective and gaining self-confidence, hope, and empowerment, for an extraordinary financial future and independence.

This is a 12-Week  Program to release yourself to freedom. This program is for those who feel disappointed, hopeless, worried, or lost. You will discover the truth about “who” you are. Birth the courage and confidence needed to fast-track to your goals for a “new” purpose & financial independence.

 During this program, we will work through a 3-step system to increase awareness of your thinking to shift negative beliefs and life patterns that have kept you stuck.

You will leave this program feeling the freedom to be and do what you have always wanted to….

If you are interested in finding out more please:

Schedule here”FREE “Reduce Anxiety Now” Breakthrough Strategy Session 

In only 45 minutes you will get clarity on what is holding you back.  You will leave with your next steps to manifest POSITIVE THINKING for confidence, realized dreams, and a better life.  What to do…Let’s try a little experiment> What do you see in this picture…

REPLY TO THE EMAIL and we will talk about it in my FB community group>

If you would like my FREE SELF-LOVE GUIDE “15 Activities To Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide for ways to care for and love yourself 


The benchmark questions you ask your thoughts to rescue yourself from a lifetime of conditioning are:

Try this…We Need to Ask Our Thoughts

  • Is This A Fear Thought?
  • Is This A Lie Thought?
  • Is This A Love Thought?
  • Is The Thought Based On the Truth?
  • Is this Thought an allusion or a thought of lack?
  • is this Thought implying I’m not good enough?

Then write them down to examine what is true.

Unhitch the Fear of Failure. It’s Just Something That Does Not Work. 

   Are you ready to break free from unfulfilled dreams to new exciting possibilities?

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone and into your BEAUTIFUL, BIG, DREAM or VISION?

The world needs your gift!  Inviting a business and success coach to join you is a powerful way to increase awareness, be held accountable, and be encouraged.

Enjoy a step-by-step A-Z plan to get results by growing your mindset, and skillset and creating an action plan that works for you.

With 1 on 1 coaching or in a group, I can help you to reconnect with who you are, manage and get relief from denial, anxiety, shame, and low self-esteem so you can finally move out of feeling overwhelmed and move into, creating the foundation for a growing multiple figure business online.

If this sounds like you, let’s get on a call

After the 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call you will get the “15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” guide

Discover what’s not working and how to fix it by taking the and get the results immediately

I also have an exhilarating new program going on now that can help you get faster results.

“FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind group. To learn more go here

I’m here for YOU!!

I pray YOU are LOVED & Empowered!

Much Love 💜 and Hugs 🤗, Kathy

Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”            

Author of “Boundaries to Freedom: How to set healthy boundaries”.

on Amazon   Check out my interview about my new book 

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Become uniquely you! 

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC