Get courage, not fear..FUNNY STORY-FREE GIFT

Hello, great to have you here!!

We all wish at one time or another we had more courage.

  • Courage means to be brave, bold, and adventurous. Do you ever feel you want to be more adventurous? Courage is available the same way fear is, but we can choose to reject fear and take courage. Courage means being brave, bold, and adventurous?
  • Expressing courage will make you happy with yourself. You will feel empowered. Having courage and feeling empowered will help you stand up to criticism by others.


  • A stately man went to a convention. Several rows behind him he could hear men talking about him. They were saying: “They say he’s getting senile”. “They say he should step down”. After the convention, the stately man stood up and turned to the men that were talking about him and stated gentlemen, “they also say he is deaf”!
  • Even though that is a funny story it’s a great example of how to have confidence and empowerment and not believe what other people say about you. Do not let what other people say about you determine who you are. Be good to yourself. You are worth it!!!

Your next step is to learn how to value and love yourself. My self-care guide will keep you organized daily and will bring the happy hormone serotonin to your brain to bring joy to your life.

  For the FREE GUIDE of self-care activities schedule below and get yours NOW

 Schedule here a FREE Breakthrough Strategy Session and get a free 50 self-care list!  

In only 30 minutes you will get clarity on and what is holding you back.  You will leave with your next step to manifest empowerment for more confidence, goals, and .fulfilled dreams.

 You can have an incredible, no pressure coaching session where you’ll

  • Create an easy-to-implement “Action Plan” so you know what the most important priorities are every day
  • Look at what’s going on in your LIFE right now & find the holes that are keeping you from momentum for success.
  • Uncover hidden challenges, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, or insecurities that may be sabotaging your life.
  • Experience new energy, enthusiasm, and excitement for what’s possible in your life or business – starting right now.

Note:  Did this blog speak to something inside of you?  

Another way to get the FREE GUIDE?

See below to join our FB group and get your FREE GUIDE  or get it here (When you get there, enter your email and it will come right to you.

let’s connect on my Facebook group for more free coaching   

     A Community for Confidence, Motivation, Extraordinary Growth and Vision

          Are you ready to break free from anxiety and fear and create courage?

   I help men and women experiencing fear, anxiety or stress feel human again after having been burnt-out, living with anxiety or trauma, and pushed beyond their limits. I help them get back in charge of their life and build their confidence so they can finally do what they love.

Together we can accomplish more. Do you think this would be valuable to you?

 If you have any questions You can D.M. me here If you would like to know more about “your little girl”.

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC