Hey, I was thinking about you…. Free call for coaching

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Are you overwhelmed by helping others and have no time for you? Do you like helping others with their mental or physical health but wish there was a different way to help? There is……Check out the link at the bottom.

The opening lines of the poem “We wear the mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar, written in 1896 says,

We wear the mask that grins and lies,

It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,—

This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile. 

But, no one sees you; Are you aware of who you really are???

Hi there, Did you know…You can burnout from the lack of boundaries. How? you say… If you don’t know who you are or what you want to allow in your space or how you want people to treat you, you won’t set boundaries. Especially if you grew up in a home where there were no set boundaries as an example or model for you to follow. By being proactive with setting boundaries around your work, your relationships, and your environment you will not burnout.

My Story

 Why it matters…As I was growing up I had no boundaries because I grew up in a dysfunctional family that didn’t know what mental, physical, or emotional boundaries were This began my journey that I knew I had to take. I could not wallow in the shame and the fear that not setting boundaries had produced for the rest of my life. It was affecting my personality and the dreams that I had to fulfill my life’s purpose.

So, I began a journey of healing, newness, and recovery in my life. This journey led me to realize I was raised in a dysfunctional family and I began to read and study everything I could get my hands on to heal my emotions.

What to do…

Boundaries are learned. If you tried to set boundaries as a child and they were not valued, or you have not been able to set boundaries as an adult you haven’t experienced how it feels to set them. Any kind of abuse violates personal boundaries, including teasing. For example, my cousin ignored my pleas for her to stop tickling me until I could barely breathe. This made me feel powerless and that I did not have a right to say “stop” when I was uncomfortable. In recovery, I gained the capacity to tell a hugger to stop squeezing me so hard and use less pressure. In some cases, boundary violations affect a child’s ability to mature into an independent, responsible adult or be able to set boundaries.

Types of Boundaries

Mental and Emotional boundaries apply to your thoughts, values, and opinions. Are you easily suggestible? Do you know what you believe, and can you hold onto your opinions? Can you listen with an open mind to someone else’s opinion without becoming rigid or taking it personally? If you become highly emotional, argumentative, or defensive, you may have weak emotional boundaries.

What are your frustrations about your work right now? What are the biggest challenges in your work? What do you wish you could change what you do? What do you think about over and over that you want to change in your life?

 Remember….. when you were a little child and you used to dream big? 

There is still a dream inside of you about how you want your life to go, what you want to produce, and how you want to help others. Think about that dream…… pretend you are a child again what would that dream be?

If you are ready to find out who you are and have your dreams actually happen check out my new program.

Do you want to experience love, acceptance, and empathy, manage anxiety, heal your soul, gain hope, and empower and build a consistent income? Yes, it is possible. You will discover the truth about “who” you are. Birth the courage and confidence needed to fast-track to your goals for a “new” purpose & financial independence.

Are you ready to break free from limiting beliefs and “low income” to find new exciting possibilities to make 6 figures?’

Introducing my signature program – “Limitless Freedom Accelerator”   Coaching program. Check out my story free.    https://bit.ly/FREEDOMCOURSE

If you have any questions You can D.M. me here

P.S. It’s never been a better time to develop yourself than now. Men and women are doing INCREDIBLE things in our world, and you can too! Do you struggle with speaking up powerfully, trusting your own inner guidance to make the impact you want to make? Knowing and trusting yourself is part of what we do together to get your results.

Experience for yourself the feeling of accomplishment with my free coaching call.

 No pressure, just bring to the call what you would like to overcome or accomplish in your call. 

 Schedule a FREE 45 minutes   Breakthrough Session” or any current issue you are dealing with now. HERE

  Kathy’s Confidence and Success Coaching & Seminars can help!

“I pray you are loved and empowered in all things”

Most of all I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to!

Hit reply or schedule above to let me know what your needs are and how I can help. And let’s connect on Facebook A Community for Confidence, Motivation, Extraordinary Growth and Vision

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC