How to defeat loneliness and “new” group coaching💜😀 💜

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When I was young it was difficult to deal with the chaos in my family of origin and I used different coping mechanisms to escape.

One of them was daydreaming or visualization. It helped at the time but as I grew up, I had to go revisit some of these incidences and deal with them on a more mature level.

Because I was taught, that I was not valuable I did not like myself. I became lonely when I was not in a relationship.

In the process, I had to uncover the good bad, and ugly that were living inside me.

As I grew older and needed to set goals for my business and life, I learned several ways to get to the places I needed to get to.

I wanted transformation in my life, so I decided to work on myself and then be a rainbow for others.

To do that I had to resolve my own inner critic and wrong values that came with me from childhood that no longer served me.

Dealing with loneliness showed me the way to conquer it.

  • Loneliness is just part of the human condition.
  • Loneliness really doesn’t have to do with whether you are alone or not.
  • The key to loneliness is to resolve isolation from self.                                                                                                                                                                                                           As we get to know ourselves and comfortably accept ourselves silence can become our friend. If you’ve grown to this level of self-acceptance, you will never truly feel alone.

Think about how you feel about yourself.

For years you may not have wanted to be in your own company because you didn’t like yourself.

Spend some time peeking beyond the walls of your most private and personal secrets.

Are you afraid nothing will be there except damage and disappointment?

Think about what is at your core. If you finally come to the realization that there’s no damage, disappointment, or failure at your core it’s easy to accept and love yourself.

Take a look at what is there at your core.

You might discover someone beautiful by doing the best possible with what you have within life.

Activity: Get a nice journal with a cover that represents who you are or as a person and write down these good things you discover about yourself.

The beauty of positive ways that you help others and the gifts that you have.

The more you do this the less lonely you’ll be because you’ll enjoy hanging out with yourself and the beautiful person that you are.


“FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind group. To learn more go here

Are you anxious…and worried about your future … click here to discover what may be sabotaging your success? Go take this quiz then on your call I will help you identify where you need the most help and give you a free e-book to get started.

I work with individuals who are anxious and worried about their future. They don’t know how to move forward in their life or business and they’re feeling overwhelmed.

I help you to reconnect with who you are, have more confidence and self-esteem so you can finally pursue your dreams, and create a fulfilling life.

You may feel trapped by anxiety and lack of self-confidence, or something else that is holding you back from being successful.

As a result, you may be struggling with limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks holding you in a pattern of defeat?

If so, let’s get on a call

After the 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call you will get a FREE E-BOOK 15 Ways to Heal Your Mind and Body with Self-Care” and discover what’s not working and how to fix it by taking the

The book is the foundation for overcoming mental health, addiction, and self-sabotage, as well as, providing the steps on how to create value for yourself and support your overall well-being.

  • It is exactly what I used in my journey of recovery from trauma and grief to joy and happiness.
  • You’ll get the embodiment of everything I’ve learned about why lack of self-love can begin in childhood if we’re in an unlovable home environment.
  • My personal development journey to loving myself consisted of many experiential types of workshops, seminars, coaches, and retreats beyond traditional education. So, I can walk you through your journey knowing how you feel.

>I’m here for YOU!!

I pray YOU are LOVED & Empowered!

Much Love 💜 and Hugs 🤗, Kathy

Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”

Author of “Boundaries to Freedom: How to set healthy boundaries”.

on Amazon Check out my interview about my new book


Become unique you!

PS: Are you a member of my group? You will find a warm supportive environment where I bring valuable pieces of training and confidence tools plus much more. Join our #1 Fb community for a FREE “15 Activities To Heal Your Mind and Body With Self-Care” guide

Kathy Di Giacomo Coaching LLC