Your body is truly a vital gift. You should treat it with respect and the utmost care.
My story
Growing up in a dysfunctional environment, I invested so much emotional energy in other people that I forgot to focus on the needs of my own physical and mental being.
However, now I have learned through much trial and error how to respect my body enough to give it the physical and mental care that it needs.
After many shutdowns and ailments my body went through, I realized that I was not paying attention to my physical body by caring for it.
That’s why I’m here trying to help others avoid some of the pitfalls that I had to experience before realizing the importance of self-care.
I am encouraging you today to look at your habits and ask these questions:
- Do my habits promote health and well-being, or do they undermine them?
- Do I overeat, or undereat?
- Do I smoke, and through denial, contend that I am invulnerable??
- Do I get enough rest, mental breaks, and enough exercise?
Create a daily chart with these questions on it with checkboxes and then at the end of each day check off the things that you were able to do to help your body with self-care.
Here is a short video about more resources for you on YouTube
Here is the way to your FREE guide. This guide is “15 ways to heal your mind and body with self-care”. It’s the foundation for creating better mental health, managing addiction, and self-sabotage, and the steps on how to bounce back from a difficult season of life so you can create long-lasting lifestyle changes that support your overall well-being. If you would like my free guide of activities Please go here and get your guide
We are also preparing new, juicy, and exciting services to help those who feel lost, stuck, and don’t know what to do to move forward. You may feel trapped by anxiety and lack of self-confidence, or something else that is holding you back from being successful
Schedule a 30-minute free “follow up on your dreams” call go to and find out where your blind spots are to get proven results.
Here is what we will accomplish in the session:
- Create a crystal-clear vision for “ultimate success” so you know exactly what you want, where you’re headed, and what you need to do to make it happen.
- Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your ability to make changes that last or that are slowing down your progress.
- Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to finally achieve the change you seek – once and for all.
- To break free from toxic thinking to exciting new possibilities.
If you want to make any suggestions for what you would like to see in extra training, then please reply to this blogđź’–
I will be listening and watching for your input in the comments
Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”
Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist, former Psychotherapist (10 years), accomplished writer, speaker, visionary entrepreneur, and your fiercest advocate on your journey to creating the life and business you’ve been dreaming about.
Do you ever wonder if… need to learn more about how to calm your anxiety and learn to feel love so you can better help your clients?
Or perhaps you’ve been thinking of working with a coach so you can find easier ways to run your business smoothly, gain more time in your day, make more money, have more freedom — help figure out where you’re stuck.
This is exactly why I created a new pilot group “FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind group coaching.
“FAM” Freedom Accelerator Mastermind is a new form of coaching that will help you grow and thrive in personal development and your business. Check it out here
If you would like to learn more about anything, please go to for your free coaching session and information
Author of “Boundaries to Freedom: How to set healthy boundaries”.
on Amazon Check out my interview about my new book
Much Love 💜 and Hugs 🤗, Kathy
Kathy Di Giacomo’s Coaching “Personal Development & Business Growth Strategist”
Become uniquely you!
“Take our fun 4-minute quiz” Get a FREE coaching call with me.
I will help you identify your next steps and the best recommendation to move forward. You will receive a free E-BOOK “15 Ways To Heal your Mind And Body with Self-Care “
If you would like your very own assessment to promote your business here is the link to get started. Try it out for free 14-day free trial Daily zoom support and webinars.